Havířský vrch

Havířský vrch - the longest mining site

Havířský vrch is the best preserved iron ore mining site in the Wallenstein estate. At the foot of the hill, a boulder was found with the year 1797 carved in it, which refers to the time when mining operations took place here. Today, you can see the traces of mining for yourself. Below the top you will find a barred shaft. This was once a subsidiary shaft with a wooden winch that was used to bring the tailings to the surface. The hill itself is split by a long mining site measuring over one kilometre. It starts on the south side at Lake Mácha, continues on the other side of the hill, crosses the road and leads further north.

Did you know that...?

The iron ore mined here was decomposed volcanic rock. The mining site follows a volcanic vein and extends beneath Havířský vrch in an NE-SW direction. If you like exploring, you can hike along the mining site to where it fades away. On the map, you can see the long line of the mining site going through Havířský vrch.

The virtual trail

The stop is part of the virtual trail that will lead you to places in the Ralsko Geopark that are associated with iron ore mining.

How to do it?

Download the app. The app is data intensive, we recommend downloading it while on Wi-Fi. Once you have downloaded the app, all you need to do is to find the relevant stop in the app and scan the QR code in the header of the board.